Archive for the ‘Appearances’ Category

Tamora Pierce and Faith Erin Hicks In Conversation at Dewitt, NY Barnes & Noble

The Stone Heart by Faith Erin Hicks
THE STONE HEART, second in “The Nameless City” trilogy by Faith Erin Hicks

On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 7:00 PM, Tammy will be sitting down with Eisner Award-winning graphic novelist Faith Erin Hicks (The Nameless City trilogy) for an evening’s conversation.  Join the two of them as they talk about a wide range of topics.

Admission is free, but seating is limited. Both authors’ books will be available for sale.

Tamora Pierce to Appear at SCBWI’s “Spring Fever” Conference in Baldwinsville, NY, March 18, 2017

Tamora Pierce will be speaking at the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators’ (SCBWI) Annual “Spring Fever” Conference at Christ Community Methodist Church, 3474 Styles Road, Syracuse, NY.

Also appearing, to speak or to lead workshops, will be literary agent Brent Taylor, author and illustrator Elizabeth Zunon. Those wishing critiques of their work, to register, or who have any other questions may visit SCWBI’s West/Central New York site.

Tamora Pierce Videos Playlist on YouTube

We’ve just created a “Tamora Pierce Videos” Playlist on YouTube, under Tim’s YouTube Account. It currently includes Tammy’s Margaret A. Edwards Award acceptance speech from 2013, and the nine-part Supanova Sydney panel “Writer’s Roundtable – What Are You Reading Now?” featuring Tammy, Anne Bishop, Maria Lewis, Alison Goodman, Keri Arthur, and Ian Irvine, moderated by Supanova’s Literary Manager, Ineke Prochazka.

Future clips from panels, and other recordings of Tammy’s appearances, will appear as either Tim cuts them into something manageable, or other people ask that they be added….


Tamora Pierce in Sydney, Australia!

We made it! Tammy and her husband Tim landed in Sydney, Australia at 6:20 AM local time to attend Australia’s Supanova Pop Culture Expo this Friday – Sunday.

On the plane with her, and also attending Supanova, was Dark Fantasy author Anne Bishop (The Black Jewels, The Courtyards of the Others books), gaming composer/musician Michael Patti (Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void, Legend of Legends), VO performer Sean Schemmel (Goku in the US version of the Dragon Ball universe, the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe) , and actor/musician James Marsters (Spike from Buffy, The Vampire Slayer and Angel).


Tammy will be appearing at the Barnes and Noble in Dewitt, NY, on Saturday, June 11th, as part of their B-Fest Teen Book Festival!

The appearance will involve a panel and a signing, both on Saturday afternoon. More details to come.

Books can be purchased the day of the event, but it’s recommended that interested parties call or pre-order to make sure the books they want to purchase are in stock. Fans can also bring their own books to be signed, of course! Please include a sticky note with the name of the individual to whom the books should be personalized. Limit of three personalized books per person.