Author Archive

Cancellation due to medical emergency at the Fay B. Kaigler Children’s Book Festival

Due to a medical emergency, Tamora Pierce will be unable to attend the Thursday April 4th and Friday April 5th open signings at the Fay B. Kaigler Children’s Book Festival, located at the Barnes & Noble on University of Southern Mississippi campus.

Tamora is grateful to the Fay B. Kaigler Children’s Book Festival, and appreciates the support of all fans who attended, or were planning to attend. She hopes to see you all soon!

-Team Tamora Pierce

The Cover for TEMPESTS AND SLAUGHTER, Tamora Pierce’s First “Numair” Book, Revealed!

The Broadway Book World site has revealed the cover art for Tempests and Slaughter, the first in Tamora Pierce’s THE NUMAIR CHRONICLES three-book series about the childhood of Arram Draper, the boy who will grow up to be the Great Mage, Numair Salmalín.

Set mainly in Carthak’s Imperial University, Tempests and Slaughter tells of young Arram’s struggles to focus and control his magic, his growing friendships with the young Mage Prince Ozorne and Mage Girl Varice, and the first hints at what fate the Gods and Destiny hold in store for him. From the deadly intrigues of the Imperial Palace to the depths of the Gladiator Holding Cells, Arram will have to dig deep within his powers to protect his friends – and himself.

After years of work, Tempests and Slaughter will be out in US Hardcover on February 6, 2018.






Tamora Pierce Will Be Attending Beyond IQ in Boxborough, MA

Please Note: This is not a public appearance, and no public appearance in Boxborough is scheduled. This is a conference for Highly and Profoundly Gifted Children which Tamora Pierce attends when she’s able.

Are you a gifted child, or the parent or sibling of one or more gifted children? Do you want to spend time with other gifted children, or talk to other parents and siblings about your experiences with gifted children? Then Beyond IQ, a Conference Series For and About Highly and Profoundly Gifted Children, is worth attending for you and your HG/PG child/children.

From Friday, April 28 through Sunday, April 30, Beyond IQ will be held at the Boxboro Regency Hotel in Boxborough, MA. The conference features Friday Workshops for Professionals, Saturday and Sunday Conferences, and a Saturday Night Ice Cream Social. Attendees can either take advantage of special rates to stay at the hotel, or simply come during the conference itself if you live in the Greater Boston Area.

Registration is $70 a day ($65 Friday), or $130 for Saturday and Sunday, and you can register directly at the Beyond IQ Site.


Tamora Pierce and Faith Erin Hicks In Conversation at Dewitt, NY Barnes & Noble

The Stone Heart by Faith Erin Hicks
THE STONE HEART, second in “The Nameless City” trilogy by Faith Erin Hicks

On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 7:00 PM, Tammy will be sitting down with Eisner Award-winning graphic novelist Faith Erin Hicks (The Nameless City trilogy) for an evening’s conversation.  Join the two of them as they talk about a wide range of topics.

Admission is free, but seating is limited. Both authors’ books will be available for sale.

Tamora Pierce to Appear at SCBWI’s “Spring Fever” Conference in Baldwinsville, NY, March 18, 2017

Tamora Pierce will be speaking at the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators’ (SCBWI) Annual “Spring Fever” Conference at Christ Community Methodist Church, 3474 Styles Road, Syracuse, NY.

Also appearing, to speak or to lead workshops, will be literary agent Brent Taylor, author and illustrator Elizabeth Zunon. Those wishing critiques of their work, to register, or who have any other questions may visit SCWBI’s West/Central New York site.

TORTALL, A SPY’S GUIDE is Available for Pre-Order Now!

It’s the book The Whisper Man doesn’t want you reading! Tortall, A Spy’s Guide gives all you aspiring Sparrows (secret agents) and Hostlers (field agents) a look inside the Tortallan Royal Shadow Service, from the Secret Files of George, Baron Cooper.

Assembled by Tamora Pierce, with the assistance of Julie Holderman, Timothy Liebe, Megan Messenger, and Diverse Other Hands, the collection of Letters, Secret Diaries, and Confidential Guides reveals previously unknown (or unreferenced) aspects of the Tortall Universe, through the eyes of those trained to observe everything – and spy on it.

Available October 2017, this book is available for pre-order effective immediately. Be sure to reserve your copy today, before the record gets filleted by a nimble-fingered ex-King of Thieves, his Spymistress Daughter…. or “Father”….